Tehran, Moscow Emphasize Enhancing Cooperation in Fisheries

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and Russia stressed the need to expand bilateral cooperation in the field of fisheries.

In a meeting of the Iran-Russia Joint Fisheries Commission held in Russia's Astrakhan on Saturday, the officials of the two countries placed special emphasis on developing bilateral ties in the field of fisheries and facilitating the export of aquatic animals to the Russian Federation through the development of transport means.

The two sides discussed cooperation in the fields of processing and trading aquatic animals, scientific and research activities, broadening cooperation in the field of reconstructing reserves and farming aquatic animals, fishing as well as developing investment in Iran.

Seyed Hossein Hosseini, the deputy minister of agriculture and head of Iranian Fisheries Organization, emphasized the need for facilitating the export of aquatic animals to the Russian Federation through the development of transport means, facilitation of transfer of currency and also the Russian government’s support for Iranian exporters.

He pointed to the chances of cooperation and the necessity of sharing technical know-how between the two countries through setting up a joint technical Working Group and added that there are investment opportunities in the southern coasts of Iran and that a Russian company has voiced its readiness to make a significant investment in Iran within the next two months.