CGTN Poll: 90% of Respondents Believe G7 Accusations against China Groundless

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The G7 Summit has issued a joint statement and other documents, making claims about "economic coercion" that allude to China.

According to a global opinion poll conducted by CGTN, nearly 90 percent of global respondents believe that the G7's accusations against China are groundless. On the contrary, they point to the US being the instigator of economic coercion and the biggest threat to global development.

The poll, published on CGTN's English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian platforms, received responses from 55,365 people in 24 hours.

China is now the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries and regions, and its trade with the world has benefited billions of people. In the survey, 92.33 percent of global respondents speak highly of China's great contribution to global trade, adding that China has become the world's economic engine.

However, in recent years, the US government has carried out all-round containment and repression against China, including imposing tariffs, a technology blockade in the Chinese chip field and suppressing Chinese high-tech enterprises using national security and the privacy of its citizens as an excuse.

More than 60 percent of global respondents believe China is suffering from economic coercion from the US In addition, up to 91.7 percent of the respondents believe that the real purpose of the US hyping up the so-called Chinese economic coercion is to contain China's development and safeguard its hegemony.

Over the years, the US has suppressed almost all countries that violated its interests, gradually escalating its economic coercion in the world. In the survey, as many as 93.48 percent of respondents believe the US has severely violated the principles of the market economy and fair competition, with 90.68 percent believing it fully exposes the hegemonic and bullying nature of the US.

As of the 2021 fiscal year, more than 9,400 sanctions imposed by the US have been implemented, and the US has also imposed unilateral economic sanctions on nearly 40 countries around the world, affecting nearly half of the world's population.

Over 90 percent of the respondents strongly oppose the US' actions, believing that they seriously disrupt economic globalization and regional economic integration. They think the US should stop engaging in closed and exclusive "small circles" and refrain from reversing the course of economic globalization.