Presidential Visit to Mark New Chapter in Iran-Indonesia Ties: FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Describing Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s upcoming trip to Jakarta as a “turning point” in the bilateral relations between the two Muslim states, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said it will open a new chapter in the ties between the two nations.

In an op-ed published in Indonesia’s ‘The Jakarta Post’ English-language newspaper on May 22, Hossein Amirabdollahian expounded on the significance of the Iranian president’s upcoming visit to Indonesia.

What follows is the text of the article, entitled ‘Strengthening Cooperation between Iran and Indonesia’:

The upcoming state visit of Islamic Republic of Iran President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi to Jakarta, in response to the invitation of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, marks not only a turning point in the bilateral relations between the two countries but also the commencement of a new chapter in the relations between the two great nations.

The stands of the two countries in the two regions of the Middle East and East Asia, cultural and civilizational commonalities and weighty potential for cooperation in various fields, alongside the new requirements of the international order, herald the opening of a new era of relations between the two countries hinged on respect and mutual understanding.

The diplomatic ties between Iran and Indonesia are now entering their eighth decade, while the relations between the two great nations have deep roots in history. The people of the two countries, centuries ago, were able to establish profound bonds with each other through Islam, and Iranian and Indonesian Muslim scholars and intellectuals had beneficial interactions in past centuries.

The linguistic ties between the two countries also serve as further evidence of the historical interactions between the people of the two nations throughout Asia. A considerable number of Persian words in the Indonesian language and shared assets such as Imam Muhammad Ghazali testify to the depth of historical connections between them and provide a basis for deepening the relations between the two nations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, within the framework of a balanced, smart and dynamic foreign policy, attaches special prominence to the development of relations with Indonesia. Fortunately, this determination exists on both sides, and the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Indonesia are resolute to create the required infrastructure and facilities for the development of relations in various fields.

The bilateral negotiations between the two countries encompass a wide range of bilateral, regional and international topics. Iran and Indonesia seek to deepen cooperation in various areas, including political, economic, trade, energy, scientific and technological, cultural, parliamentary and security fields.

Despite the excellent relations, constructive cooperation and mutual support in international forums, it must be acknowledged the current volume of trade relations between the two countries is below expectations given the available capacities. Therefore, President Raisi and his accompanying delegation in this to Jakarta provide a valuable opportunity for the public and private sectors of both countries to become more familiar with each other's economic and commercial capacities and capabilities.

The links between Iran and Indonesia, within the framework of South-South cooperation, have a historical background and demonstrate the common approach of the two countries to create a balanced world. The two countries have common positions on regional, international and Islamic issues, and continuous negotiations between the two sides on these matters are ongoing.

Recognizing the need to strengthen regional relations, we commend the performance of ASEAN and emphasize the Islamic Republic of Iran's willingness to develop relations with other member states of the regional bloc within the framework of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation signed between the two sides in 2017.

We consider Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN an optimal opportunity for developing relations with the other member states of this progressive grouping. We also welcome the possibility of regional connections between ASEAN and the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in West Asia.

Issues such as the necessity of unity among Islamic countries, promoting the true image of Islam in the world, combating extremism and Islamophobia, and supporting the interests of Muslims worldwide, including the oppressed Palestinian people, are the points that align the foreign policy of the two countries on a common path. Within this framework, we believe the Middle Eastern countries, as an environment with the highest number of Islamic countries, can overcome existing misunderstandings and, regardless of the intervention of non-regional powers, establish an intra-regional order.

Negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia are taking place in this regard. We believe the two countries have embarked on the right path, and this understanding will bring tangible results for the stability and prosperity of the region and the Islamic world.

As an influential bloc in global equations, the Islamic world requires greater convergence to create opportunities for consensus, synergy and the generation of innovative ideas, benefiting the great ummah (worldwide Islamic community). Undoubtedly, countries that have noteworthy weight in the Islamic world can play a leading role in realizing the interests of the ummah.

Based on this, Iran welcomes the strengthening of cooperation with Indonesia, as one of the essential and influential predominantly Muslim countries in the world.

From the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the unilateralism prevailing in the world, with the elimination of multilateral mechanisms and its detrimental effects on global peace and security, has now been marginalized. In other words, the security of the international system does not have a "prescribed" nature and has been transformed into a "synergic" and "participatory" matter with the maximum involvement of actors.

The founding fathers of the historic Bandung Conference and the proponents of the paradigm of nonalignment, decades ago, rightly took steps in this direction and expressed their opposition to any polarization that would endanger world peace and stability. In the new international context, developing and emerging countries, through cooperation and shared efforts, can play a constructive role in ensuring global peace and stability, including in the areas of food security and energy.

In conclusion, I would like to reemphasize the serious commitment of the authorities in my country to the development of relations with the friendly and brotherly country of Indonesia. Indonesians are noble and hospitable, and I am deeply pleased we are in Indonesia accompanying President Raeisi.

I wish felicity, prosperity and progress for Indonesia’s government and great people.