Iran Lauds Africa’s Amazing Unity

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Extending his congratulations on Africa Day, the spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry hailed Africa’s independence and unity.

In a post on his Twitter account on Thursday, Nasser Kanaani sent congratulations on Africa Day, the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organization of African Unity on May 25, 1963.

“60 years after the founding of the Org. of African Unity, the great continent celebrates its progress, amazing unity & independence,” the Iranian spokesman said.

“On Africa Day, extend my warm greetings to all African friends and colleagues, wish you a bright, prosperous & peaceful future,” Kanaani added.

In comments in January 2022, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi denounced the objectives and interests that the Westerners pursue in Africa, expressing the Islamic Republic’s support for African nations’ independence, development and welfare.

Describing plans to establish and strengthen relations with the African states as a priority in Iran’s foreign policy, he said Iran seeks to enhance relations with the African countries in all fields.