MIMS Automobility Moscow 'Opportunity for Showcasing Iranian Automakers’ Capabilities'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A member of the board of directors of the Iranian Auto Parts Manufacturers Association said that participation in the MIMS Automobility Moscow is an opportunity for displaying high capabilities and potential of Iranian auto- and parts manufacturers.

Removing export-related problems and complying with Russian standards will pave the way for Iranian economic enterprises to have a strong presence in the lucrative market of this northern neighbor, Ebrahim Doostzadeh emphasized.

Speaking in an interview with IRNA, he pointed out that the MIMS Automobility Moscow will be held in the Russian capital on August 21-24 with the participation of high-ranking officials of public and private sectors of the two countries.

In addition to dispatching a trade and economic delegation, expert-level trade and economic meetings will be organized with the auto- and part manufacturers of other countries on the sidelines of the this prestigious exhibition, he continued.

Turning to some achievements gained in last year’s edition of the exhibition, Doostzadeh said that giant steps have been taken by Iran’s two leading cars manufacturers, namely Iran Khodro Industrial Group (IKCO) and SAIPA Automotive Group, in line with exporting quality cars to the Russian Federation.