Zionists Receiving Blows Daily: IRGC General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Zionist regime’s mischievous acts against Iran have not gone unanswered as Israel is receiving responses on a daily basis, a ranking IRGC general said.

In an address to a military event on Saturday, the IRGC deputy commander for operations, Brigadier General Abbas Nilforooshan, said the Islamic Republic would never allow the disputes with the enemies to remain unsettled.

“You may ask the Zionist regime how it has received responses for its last year’s mischievous acts, and continues to get responses on a daily basis,” he stated.

The general also warned the Western governments not to repeat the past failed experiences and to avoid reliance on the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) which is a lost cause.

He also highlighted the US government’s waning power in domestic and foreign policy, saying the US is grappling with severe crises at home and abroad.

“The US is experiencing the last days of hegemony of power,” the general noted.

In comments made earlier in May, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri cautioned that if the Europeans and other allies of America do not rid themselves of blind support for Washington, they will go down with the US, which has been caught in a downward spiral in the new world order.

Back in 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the diminishing influence of the US government in all areas of power, saying Washington has even discredited “liberal democracy” which is known as the basis of Western civilization.