Iraq Urged to Expel Anti-Iranian Elements, Ensure Border Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The new secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council called on Iraq to honor its commitments under a security agreement signed in March, expel anti-Iranian elements, and guarantee the security of the common border.

In a meeting with Iraqi National Security Adviser Qasim al-Araji, held in Tehran on Monday, Ali Akbar Ahmadian said the recent security agreement between Iran and Iraq provides a roadmap for ensuring durable security at their common borders and lays the groundwork for expanding cooperation in other areas.

Ahmadian noted that the security agreement was the result of months of negotiations and joint efforts by the two countries, described it as a very appropriate and strategic measure, and underscored the strict implementation of its provisions, Press TV reported.

“We, within the framework of the agreement, expect the Iraqi government to guarantee the security of the country's borders with Iran as soon as possible, while ending the presence of counterrevolutionary elements in the country,” Ahmadian noted.

The top Iranian security official underlined that the long-standing religious and civil roots between Iran and Iraq guaranteed the “deep and extensive relations” between the two countries.

Ahmadian also said the will of the Islamic Republic is to expand and deepen relations with neighboring countries, especially the friendly and brotherly country of Iraq, adding that to implement this policy, “We are ready for bilateral and multilateral cooperation and interaction in all areas.”

Araji, for his part, voiced Iraq's commitment to the border security agreement with Iran, saying the stability and development of Iran and Iraq help promote not only the two countries' security but also the entire region's peace and progress.

The top security adviser expressed the Iraqi government's willingness and determination to continue its close relations, cooperation, and interaction with Iran in all areas.