UAE A Reliable Trade Partner for Iran: Amirabdollahian

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hailing the United Arab Emirates as Iran’s reliable trade partner, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said cooperation between the two neighbors will benefit the region.

In a meeting with Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates Khalifa Shaheen Al Marar, held in Tehran on Tuesday, Amirabdollahian highlighted the Iranian administration’s policy of developing ties with the neighbors.

He described the UAE as a reliable trade partner, noting that the ties between the two countries will be enhanced both at the level of governments and private sectors.

The foreign minister emphasized that the expansion of relations between Tehran and Abu Dhabi will be in the interests of the two countries and the broader region.

The Emirati minister, for his part, highlighted the UAE’s determination to boost relations with Iran.