Iran Rejects Western Countries' Interfering Statements on Hypersonic Missile

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani dismissed statements made by certain Western countries regarding the unveiling of an advanced hypersonic ballistic missile, dubbed ‘Fattah’.

"These countries (Australia, UK, the US), with a well-documented history of disregarding their international obligations across various domains, including nuclear tests and non-proliferation of nuclear missiles, while also playing a disruptive role in regional and global affairs, have no authority to comment on the legitimate and entirely lawful defense capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Kanaani stated, stressing that the missile activities conducted by the Islamic Republic are conventional, defensive, and fully in line with international law.

The spokesperson emphasized that the recent actions of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States in signing the AUKUS agreement serve as a blatant example of the discriminatory political approach employed by nuclear powers, which involves transferring technology and highly enriched uranium to a non-nuclear nation, thereby violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Kanaani also commended the ongoing efforts of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their strategic achievements in bolstering the country's defense capabilities. He described their endeavors as appropriate and effective measures aimed at establishing deterrence against foreign threats, all in the interest of safeguarding the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On Tuesday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force unveiled an advanced hypersonic ballistic missile, dubbed Fattah (Conqueror). The missile can hit targets within a range of 1,400 kilometers at a speed of Mach 13 to 15.