Iran, Venezuela Prominent Actors in New World Order: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new world order is beginning to take shape with the independent states taking the lead and the hegemonic powers on the decline, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said, highlighting the significant role of Iran, Venezuela and other independent Latin American states in future.

At the end of his two-day official visit to Venezuela, President Raisi gave an address at a meeting of Venezuelan elites and academics at the Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas on Tuesday.

"Venezuelan heroes were pioneers in the quest for independence, justice and freedom, and they did not stop fighting until full independence in the struggle against the global domination and arrogance system,” he said.

The president saluted the heroic nation of Venezuela for standing up to domination and tyranny, adding, "Some think that the enemy will surrender by retreating and surrendering, but this is a miscalculation."

Raisi added, "The Leader of the Islamic Revolution taught the Iranian nation that in order to neutralize conspiracies, we must become strong."

Referring to the recent comment from the former president of the US that the US should not pay for Venezuela's oil, because it seeks to disrupt and plunder the country's oil, the Iranian president said, "This behavior is a manifestation of an arrogant system."

"Dominators exercise their domination through threats and sanctions, media empire, human rights issues, international organizations, military intervention, monopoly of science and technology and interference in the internal affairs of countries," he stated, the president’s official website reported.

"Standing up against unilateralism, realizing the independence of nations, implementing justice in human societies, isolating sanctions and war are among the indicators of the new world order,” he underlined.

"The people of Iran will stand by the people of Venezuela and we will shake the hands of those who want global justice and we will stand until the establishment of a new and just world order," the president said.

Raisi also said that the reason for Iran’s push to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS is in line with the policy that the Islamic Republic of Iran considers regional organizations among emerging powers in the new world order.