IRGC Serviceman Martyred in Border Clash West of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ forces clashed with a team of “anti-Revolution outlaws” in a border region in western Iran, during which a serviceman was martyred, the IRGC said.

According to the public relations department of the IRGC’s Hamze Sayyid al-Shohada Base, its forces clashed with the anti-Revolution outlaws in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan on Friday.

The clash took place in the city of Marivan, the statement said, noting that a local member of Basij, named Rozgar Tabireh, was martyred in the line of duty.

The IRGC base emphasized that its forces will continue operations to ensure security and cleanse the entire northwestern areas of the anti-Revolution groups.

The IRGC is tasked with protecting the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders.