Israeli Occupation Forces Raid West Bank, Injure Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli occupation forces launched raids in multiple areas of the West Bank, resulting in clashes and injuries.

In Jenin, a young man sustained a slight injury to his right hand after being shot by the occupation forces, according to Ibn Sina Hospital.

The forces stormed neighborhoods in Jenin and its camp, encountering resistance groups that forced them to withdraw without making any arrests.

In Nablus, Yassin al-Qatanani was arrested after Israeli forces stormed his family's home, conducted a thorough search, and tampered with its contents. The Red Crescent reported treating a young man who was run over by a military vehicle in the old Askar camp, as well as three cases of gas suffocation.

The occupation forces also raided houses in the towns of Beita and Beit Furik, leading to confrontations. A young man suffered a moderate head injury from a gas bomb.

In a separate incident, Israeli forces targeted anti-settlement Palestinian protesters in the village of Beit 'Amra, south of al-Khalil (Hebron). Rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas canisters, and sound grenades were used, resulting in injuries and cases of suffocation among dozens of Palestinians.

The Israeli regime has constructed over 230 settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East al-Quds (Jerusalem), housing more than 600,000 Israeli settlers. Palestinians aspire for the West Bank, with East al-Quds as its capital, to be part of their future state.

Various international bodies, including the United Nations, have condemned the Israeli settlement activities as illegal under international law. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for an end to settlement activities, emphasizing their illegality. The foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) also denounced the regime's plans to build new settlements and urged international action to halt such actions. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 describes Israeli settlements as a flagrant violation of international law.