Trump Claims to Have 'Very Strong Relationship' with Putin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Former US president Donald Trump told Fox News in an interview on Monday that he has very good relations with Russian leader Vladimir Putin even though the two haven’t spoken "in a long while."

"With Putin, I have a very good relationship. I mean, I haven't spoken to him in a long while, but I had a very strong relationship," Trump said.

He also claimed that his conversation with the Russian president delayed the Russia-Ukraine war for several years, TASS reported.

According to Trump, the Russia-Ukraien war would have never been launched had he retained the post of US president. "He wouldn't have done it if it were me. He did it after I left," the ex-US president said.

Trump said he would end the Ukraine conflict within 24 hours. "I would have a deal done in 24 hours from the time we started. And I would tell (Ukrainian President Vladimir) Zelensky something and I would tell Putin something ," Trump maintained. "The death would stop, and the destruction would stop," he concluded.