Protesters in Nuremberg Call for Peace in Ukraine, Criticize German Policies

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dozens of citizens gathered in Nuremberg on Monday to participate in a rally urging an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as expressing their dissatisfaction with current German government policies.

Protesters marched through the city streets, carrying banners and signs that denounced war and advocated for freedom of speech, Ruptly reported.

Hans, one of the demonstrators, highlighted the escalating nature of the conflict, stating, "A war is raging which could escalate into a much larger war at any time. At the moment it's all still so limited, we still limit it a bit. The big question is, how long will this continue?"

The rally was organized by 'Team Menschenrechte' ('Team Human Rights'), an organization known for its opposition to COVID-19 restrictions, vaccinations, anti-climate change policies, and its alleged advocacy for freedom and democracy.

Over the past months, Germany has witnessed several protests denouncing the country's involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, particularly regarding the shipment of weapons.

In mid-May, Germany announced a €2.7 billion ($2.9 billion) military aid package to Ukraine, the largest package provided since the onset of the military offensive.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine began in late February 2022, when Russia recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). Russia claimed that Kiev had failed to ensure the special status of these regions as outlined in the 2014 Minsk Agreements. Russia also urged Ukraine to officially declare neutrality and provide assurances of never joining NATO.

Kiev denounced the Russian action as an invasion. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky imposed martial law nationwide and announced a general mobilization. The EU and the US responded by imposing multiple rounds of sanctions on Moscow.