No Problems in Way of Financial Exchanges between Iran, Iraq: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – There are no problems in the way of financial exchanges between Iran and Iraq, an Iranian official said.

Chairman of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Yahya Al-e Es’hagh made the remarks in a meeting held on Monday with the participation of Iran’s commercial envoy to Iraq and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He termed the opportunity for trade and economic relations between Iran and Iraq “strategic’ and said their interests will serve the people of the two countries.

Achieving $20 billion worth of trade is possible between the two countries in the next few years, he said, adding that the current value of trade between Iran and Iraq has crossed $10 billion.

Al-e Es’hagh also highlighted the key role of the private sector and said that Iran’s private sector could reach up to $10 and $11 billion worth of bilateral trade with Iraq, in fields other than exporting gas, electricity and technical-engineering services.