Iranian Spokesman Criticizes West for Turning A Blind Eye to Israeli Crimes in Jenin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Naser Kanaani, expressed doubts about the possibility of the United States and Europe calling for a truth-finding committee from the UN Human Rights Council over the crimes committed by the Israeli regime in Jenin.

"12 martyrs, 140 injured, complete destruction of water and electricity networks, complete demolition of 300 buildings, damage to approximately 500 houses, destruction of streets and shops, and more, are the result of the Zionist army's insane aggression against the refugee camp in Jenin,” Kanaani wrote in a tweet about the situation in the West Bank city after Israeli raids.

He questioned the likelihood of the US and Europe demanding a truth-finding committee from the Human Rights Council over the barbaric Israeli onslaught on Jenin and its refugee camp, saying, "Never!" (will it happen). 

The Israeli regime military launched a major offensive in Jenin and its refugee camp, resulting in the deaths of at least 12 Palestinians and the injury of dozens. Israeli forces utilized airstrikes, ground operations, and armed drones, targeting innocent civilians and forcing hundreds of families to leave their homes. The incursion lasted for 44 hours before the regime's troops finally withdrew following a steadfast response from Palestinian resistance fighters.

A group of United Nations experts, cited by the official Palestinian Wafa news agency, described Israel's campaign in Jenin as potentially constituting a "war crime." They condemned the Israeli operations in the West Bank, which led to the killing and displacement of Palestinians and the destruction of homes and infrastructure. The experts expressed concern over the displacement of around 4,000 Palestinians and the collective punishment imposed on the population.

The United States, as Israel's main ally, has historically shielded the regime from accountability by using its veto power to block anti-Israel measures at the UN. The experts concluded that for the ongoing violence to cease, the illegal occupation by Israel must come to an end, as it is fundamentally flawed.