Ministers Discuss Security Plans at Iran-Iraq Border

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The interior ministers of Iran and Iraq made arrangements to strengthen security along the common border.

Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi and his Iraqi counterpart Abdul Amir al-Shammari held a meeting at a border crossing west of Iran on Saturday.

The border crossing, located in Iran’s western province of Ilam, is known as Mehran in Iran and Zurbatiya in Iraq, located in its Wasit governorate.

Vahidi has traveled to the border crossing to hold the security meeting with his Iraqi counterpart.

The two interior ministers talked about various issues in the meeting, including security coordination between the two neighbors, joint efforts to control the borders, and arrangements for the trips that Iranian pilgrims are going to make to Iraq during the Arbaeen season.

The Arbaeen mourning ceremony is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world.

It marks the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Imam Hussein (AS).

Each year during the Arbaeen season, pilgrims, mainly from Iraq and Iran, travel long routes on foot to Karbala, where the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (AS) is located.

This year, Arbaeen will be commemorated on September 6.