Cluster Bombs Reveal US’ Push to Worsen Ukraine War: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry denounced the US’ insistence on supplying Ukraine with cluster bombs as a testimony to Washington’s willingness to drag out and aggravate the war.

In a post on his Twitter account on Sunday, Nasser Kanaani deplored the US’ decision to supply Ukraine with cluster bombs.

“The US’ decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine reveals Washington’s determination to drag out and complicate the war in Ukraine,” he said.

Kanaani denounced the US’ plan as another example of Washington’s destabilizing measures and the export of arms that result in further indiscriminate killings and destruction.

On Friday, the US confirmed it was sending the controversial weapons to Ukraine, with President Joe Biden calling it a "very difficult decision".

Cluster bombs have been banned by more than 100 countries because of the danger they pose to civilians.

They typically release lots of smaller bomblets that can kill indiscriminately over a wide area.

The munitions have also caused controversy over their failure -or dud- rate. Unexploded bomblets can linger on the ground for years and then indiscriminately detonate.

The US’ decision was quickly criticized by human rights groups, with Amnesty International saying cluster munitions pose "a grave threat to civilian lives, even long after the conflict has ended".