UN Warns of Impending Civil War in Sudan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United Nations issued a stark warning on Sunday, declaring that conflict-ridden Sudan is teetering on the edge of a "full-scale civil war" that poses a significant threat to regional stability.

The dire assessment came after an air strike targeted a residential area, claiming the lives of approximately twenty-two civilians, according to RFI.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres denounced the air strike in Omdurman and expressed his condemnation, as confirmed by his deputy spokesperson, Farhan Haq, in a statement. Haq emphasized that Guterres remains deeply concerned that the ongoing hostilities between armed forces have brought Sudan perilously close to an all-out civil war, which could have far-reaching destabilizing effects on the entire region.

Furthermore, Haq highlighted the alarming reality of an utter disregard for humanitarian and human rights laws, deeming it both dangerous and disturbing.

According to the International Organization for Migration, the conflict in Sudan has uprooted nearly three million people, with approximately 700,000 seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

The Sudan Ministry of Health reported that the air strike in the Dar al-Salam district of Omdurman, known as the "House of Peace" in Arabic, resulted in the death of twenty-two civilians and left a significant number injured.

This latest air strike comes after nearly three months of intense fighting between Sudan's rival generals and adds to a growing list of incidents that have sparked outrage. Survivors have reported a disturbing wave of sexual violence, while witnesses have recounted ethnically targeted killings.

The violence has resulted in the displacement of almost three million people within the country, further exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.