Scuffles Break Out in Tel Aviv over Israeli Regime’s Judicial Overhaul (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tensions escalated as scuffles broke out in Tel Aviv, with arrests made, as thousands of people gathered to protest against the Israeli regime's judicial overhaul and demand the resignation of the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Demonstrators blocking the main highway as part of the protest against the controversial judicial reform caused disruptions, shouting slogans against the cabinet, according to Sputnik.

On the 27th consecutive Saturday, over 100,000 individuals assembled for a protest in central Tel Aviv. While most of the demonstrators dispersed on Saturday night, a group remained and blocked the Ayalon Highway, leading to an intensified police presence. 



The previous Saturday witnessed around 130,000 people protesting against the judicial reform solely in Tel Aviv, with a total of 300,000 protesters across Israel.

Recent events involved Israeli police employing water cannons to disperse protesters who blocked the Ayalon Highway in response to the removal of the city's police chief, Ami Eshed.

In late March, Netanyahu announced the suspension of the legislative process regarding judicial reform, intending to negotiate and reach a compromise with the reform's opponents. The decision came amid widespread protests against the reform. Despite the suspension, protesters continue to take to the streets, expressing concerns that the reform will lead to a social and constitutional crisis.

At the end of June, Netanyahu declared that the most controversial part of the judicial reform, allowing the parliament (Knesset) to override Supreme Court rulings, would be dropped by the cabinet.