Iranian Ship Docks in North Africa: IRISL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The deputy CEO of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) on Friday announced that the ship carrying Iran’s exports cargo left ports in North Africa after docking operations.

Following the visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to African states, Amir Bayat stated, “In addition to strengthening the regular shipping line for transporting Iran’s export cargo to North and East Africa which had previously been launched, the ship carrying the country's export cargo left North African ports after docking.”

He then pointed to the programs devised by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines regarding the bolstering of the direct shipping line for forwarding Iran’s export cargo to North and East Africa. He reiterated that IRISL has paved suitable ways for ships of the national fleet (IRISL) to travel to East Africa once every two weeks and also North Africa on a monthly basis.

Bayat went on to add that IRISL had previously launched a regular shipping line to the North and East Africa in line with promoting trade with the African states.