Iran Ranks First in Region in Water, Electricity Services: Energy Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian energy minister said the country ranks first in the export of technical and engineering services in the water and electricity sector and this shows the high potential of experts in the country.

Speaking in the inaugural ceremony of a part of a water-supply project in Tehran on Sunday, Ali Akbar Mehrabian called for taking advantage of high capacity of engineering services of the country in the international arenas.

Iran is a pioneering country in water engineering and the top country in terms of export of technical and engineering services, he stated. 

Turning to the significance of water-supply infrastructures in Tehran, Mehrabian said Tehran is home to diversified water systems. 

He then referred to the rainfall fluctuations and climatic change and stated that it is necessary to diversify the country’s water resources in order to render quality services to all walks of life in this field.

Today, the water which is distributed among all walks of life in Tehran, has the highest standard of quality and this issue is confirmed at accredited laboratories, the energy minister emphasized.