Palestinian Teenager Killed As Israeli Forces Storm Nablus (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli forces stormed the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, leading to clashes with Palestinians that resulted in the death of a teenager and injuries to four others.

The confrontation occurred during the escort of a group of settlers, including Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and other police officials, who were visiting Joseph's Tomb on Thursday morning.

Local Palestinians attempted to confront the Israeli raid following the provocative visit, leading to clashes.

According to the Palestinian WAFA news agency, 19-year-old Bader Sami Masri was hit by Israeli fire during the clashes and was taken to the hospital, where he later succumbed to his wounds.

The Palestinian Red Crescent stated that at least four Palestinians sustained gunshot wounds during the clashes, with two of them in serious condition. Additionally, 30 Palestinians were treated for tear gas inhalation, including a 12-year-old girl.

Ahmed Jibril, the head of the emergency and ambulance department at the Red Crescent branch in Nablus, reported that the occupation troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets at an ambulance while it was transporting a patient near Balata refugee camp.

Videos on social media showed Palestinian fighters using an improvised explosive device to blow up an Israeli armored bulldozer.



The Nablus battalion of the al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance movement, confirmed that its members were engaged in fighting the Israeli occupation forces and groups of settlers who had entered the area of Joseph's Tomb.

Tensions have remained high in the occupied West Bank for the past year and a half, marked by near-nightly Israeli military raids and retaliatory attacks by Palestinians.

Since the beginning of this year, at least 200 Palestinians have been killed by Israel.