Iran, Qatar Weigh Plans to Broaden Trade Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ranking officials from Iran and Qatar discussed ways to promote cooperation between the two states in various fields, particularly the economic and trade relations.

Assistant Foreign Minister of Qatar for Regional Affairs Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi met with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadian in Tehran on Sunday.

The two officials discussed a range of bilateral and regional issues in the meeting.

They also talked about ways to enhance cooperation between Tehran and Doha in all fields, particularly the trade and mercantile activities.

Ahmadian and Al-Khulaifi also stressed the need to carry out joint infrastructural projects with a definite timetable and remove the obstacles to mutual interaction.

The Qatari assistant minister also submitted a written message from his country’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.