Iranian, Russian Officials Discuss Internet Issues in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of the Russian telecoms regulator agency "Roskomnadzor, Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media" discussed issues related to the internet with Iranian telecom officials.

Andrei Lipov held talks with Iran's Minister of Communications and Information Technology (ICT) Issa Zarepour on Sunday to discuss issues like protection of children on the internet, a field where Iran has experiences to share with Russia. 

During the meeting, Lipov and Zarepour explored avenues for increased cooperation between Iran and Russia on various communication issues, including coordinating the two countries’ stances in the International Telecommunication Union.

The report said the two sides had also discussed cooperation between Iran and Russia on frequency spectrums, a field where the two countries can share capacities to boost the quality and speed of internet services, according to Press TV.

Iranian and Russian telecoms authorities accuse Western governments of using internet platforms to sow discord in their countries. 

That has led to restrictions on access to certain social media platforms in Iran and Russia.

However, the two countries have rarely shared their experiences on internet controls.

The Iranian ICT ministry said Roskomnadzor’s Lipov will also meet his Iranian counterpart Amir Lajevardi on Monday to discuss opportunities for increased presence of Iranian telecoms companies in the Russian market.