Iran, Serbia Discuss Bartering Agricultural Inputs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Given that a significant portion of Iran’s phosphate fertilizer is provided from Serbia and due to the high volume of urea production in Iran, the Ministry of Agriculture is ready to exchange phosphate fertilizer in exchange for urea fertilizer in a bartering deal with Serbia.

In a meeting with Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Vladimir Orlic and his accompanying delegation in Tehran on Tuesday, Iran’s Minister of Agriculture Mohammad Ali Nikbakht said that Iran and Serbia have established friendly and historical relations with each other and his ministry will make its utmost effort to further strengthen relations in the economic fields, especially agriculture.

Iran is located in a privileged geographical situation that can play an effective role in relations with Eastern Europe, especially Serbia, he maintained.

The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes the expansion of relations with friendly countries, he said. 

Nikbakht said Iran has good experience in various agricultural fields, adding that the country also has a suitable situation in the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and fishing due to its access to free waters of the Sea of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

The speaker of the parliament of Serbia, for his part, stated that relations between the two countries have been established based on mutual respect and interests.

The policy of strengthening and expanding relations with Iran is strictly emphasized by the president and parliament of Serbia, Orlic emphasized.