Moscow Sees No 'Weather Change' in US, UK's Attitude to Russia: Kremlin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Kremlin sees no signs of an improvement in Washington and London's attitude toward Moscow, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media.

The Kremlin spokesman was asked whether the US filmmaker Oliver Stone’s statement the Western media were distorting the image of the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin could mean a "change for the better in the weather" in Washington and London's attitude toward Russia.

"No. It’s nothing but your impression. The weather is not changing," Peskov said, TASS reported.

"Oliver Stone did not accuse anyone. He stated his point of view. He is always free in expressing his point of view - he has always been and he remains so," the Russian leader's spokesman said. He recalled that Stone "knows Putin quite well, for he had the opportunity to spend many hours with him while working on a famous documentary."

"He (Stone) said that from his point of view everything that Putin does and everything that our country does is covered absolutely incorrectly," the Kremlin spokesman explained. Peskov believes that Stone "consistently defends his point of view and he does not hesitate to talk about it."

"However, this does not mean some weather change," the presidential spokesman reiterated.

Earlier, during an episode of the Stay Free podcast with British actor and public activist Russell Brand Stone said that Putin "is not the monster that has been pictured by the American propaganda machine."

Stone stressed that while filming an interview with the Russian leader, he asked him direct and honest questions without sensing "any belligerence." The film director noted that during the conversation, Putin kept referring to the United States as his "American partners."

Oliver Stone is a film director, screenwriter and producer who won three Oscars, one BAFTA award and five Golden Globes. In September 2016, he completed a documentary about the Russian president entitled The Putin Interviews based on more than a dozen interviews with the Russian head of state over the course of two years. The documentary premiered in Russia and worldwide on June 12, 2017.