Damascus Accuses US of Violating Sovereignty in Eastern Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian foreign ministry pointed fingers at the United States for the recent surge in military activities in eastern regions of the country, attributing increased actions by terrorist groups such as Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) to the US forces.

In a statement published by the SANA news agency on Saturday, the ministry asserted, "US forces are sponsoring terrorists, who are responsible for the August 10 ambush on Syrian servicemen in the Deir ez-Zur governorate."

The ministry labeled this incident a "criminal act" executed by individuals manipulated by the United States to further its interests in Syria and the broader region.

The Syrian foreign ministry emphasized that the US military presence on Syrian soil, unauthorized by international law, accompanies the exploitation of the nation's oil reserves and the imposition of growing economic pressure on its populace.

Underscoring the matter, the ministry conveyed, "The Americans blatantly violate Syria's sovereignty and destabilize the situation in order to continue their occupation."

Damascus committed to persist in its anti-terror operations until the menace is entirely eradicated.

The statement further expressed Syria's determination "to liberate its lands from US, Israeli, and Turkish forces, in accordance with international law."

A tragic incident on August 10 claimed the lives of at least 33 Syrian servicemen, who fell victim to an ambush near the city of Al Mayadin, situated 368 km from the capital of Damascus. Medical sources have indicated that the death toll may rise, as 11 wounded servicemen were admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

According to reports from Al Hadath television, terrorists have carried out over 40 armed assaults in eastern Syria since the beginning of 2023, resulting in the deaths of 67 servicemen and militiamen.