Iran Paving Way for Constant Constructive Ties with Saudi Arabia: FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said a main purpose of his visit to Riyadh is to lay the foundations for the continuation of constructive relations with Saudi Arabia through joint efforts.

The top Iranian diplomat held talks with his Saudi counterpart in Riyadh on Thursday.

Noting that this is the fourth meeting between the two top diplomats from Beijing to Tehran and from Tehran to Riyadh, Amirabdollahian said he was pleased that the Tehran-Riyadh relations are on the right track.

He added that it is necessary for Iran and Saudi Arabia to advance their relations in various fields in line with common interests, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

“We are in Riyadh today to jointly pave the way for the continuation and stabilization of constructive ties between the two countries,” Amirabdollahian said.

Pointing to the various fields of cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, he proposed the formation of joint specialized committees for cooperation in various areas of mutual interest, which was welcomed by the Saudi foreign minister.

The Iranian foreign minister said the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to launch the economic cooperation commission of the two countries.

Amirabdollahian and Bin Farhan also discussed the formation of the Bilateral Relations Coordination Council chaired by the foreign ministers of the two countries with the aim of speeding up the advancing of bilateral ties.

Amirabdollahian said fighting terrorism will serve the security of Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as other regional countries, adding that Riyadh and Tehran can work together in the anti-terror fight as well.

He also outlined Iran’s views about cooperation with Saudi Arabia with regard to security, relief and rescue, justice, prisoners and consular affairs.

The top Iranian diplomat then referred to the importance of the environment and the problem of dust as a pervasive climate problem, renewing Iran's invitation to Saudi Arabia to participate in the international meeting on tackling dust in Tehran.

Amirabdollahian further spoke about other issues such as holding the joint meeting of chambers of commerce of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the launching of their flight lines, joint ventures, scientific and research cooperation, knowledge-based companies, fighting against drug trafficking, exchange of elite and scientific delegations and also sports teams of the two sides.

He then referred to the significance of parliamentary cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia and underlined the need to pave the way to that end.

The Iranian foreign minister also responded to the Saudi side’s announcement that his country is ready to host the Iranian president. Amirabdollahian thanked Saudi Arabia for this invitation and stressed the necessity of joint efforts to make required arrangements for a successful trip by the Iranian president in due course.

Elsewhere, he said Iran is ready to implement all cooperation agreements between the two countries and to sign new deals that would be commensurate with the need for the expansion of ties. Amirabdollahian underlined that Iran welcomes visits by Saudi tourists, saying it will provide all necessary facilities for them.

As for regional issues, Amirabdollahian said security and development are inseparable in the region. He noted that Iran always welcomes dialogue and the political path in order to resolve crises.

Amirabdollahian also explained Iran’s policy on Palestine. He described Palestine as the main and central issue of the Muslim world and said the Zionist regime is a permanent threat to regional and international security as well as the security of Islamic countries.

The Iranian foreign minister then referred to the recent unfortunate incidents, namely the desecration of the Holy Quran in some European countries. He described the recent joint cooperation between Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq in holding an extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s foreign ministers over the issue as a valuable step. Amirabdollahian also stressed the need to follow up and implement their approvals in order to guarantee deterrence.

Meanwhile, he thanked Saudi Arabia for hosting Iranian Hajj pilgrims this year and voiced

hope that during future talks between the two countries' Hajj delegations, necessary agreements will be reached in order to facilitate Hajj and minor Hajj known as Umrah as much as possible.

Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, for his part, said he was pleased to meet Amirabdollahian and highlighted the meeting’s importance in advancing bilateral relations as much as possible.

Bin Farhan then pointed to the positive results of the talks during his recent trip to Tehran and added that such meetings and joint efforts to expand bilateral ties are important and that the two nations should feel that their relations are progressing for the benefit of the two countries.

He outlined his views about the issues raised by the Iranian foreign minister and made his own proposals. Bin Farhan said the most important trip that the Saudis are waiting for and will help expand bilateral relations is the visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Saudi Arabia.

He further noted that all ministries of Saudi Arabia are obliged to provide the ground for this trip to be successful.

The Saudi foreign minister also offered condolences to the people and government of Iran over the martyrdom and injury of a group of pilgrims during the recent terrorist attack at the Shah-e Cheragh shrine. Bin Farhan condemned the attack, saying terrorism is a common threat that “we must fight”.

Announcing Saudi Arabia’s readiness to expand ties with Iran in bilateral fields, Bin Farhan stressed the importance of boosting cooperation between Tehran and Riyadh in international organizations.