Iran, Algeria Discuss Expansion of Int’l Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The speakers of the parliaments of Iran and Algeria weighed plans to enhance regional and international cooperation between the two countries.

Addressing a joint press conference with his Algerian counterpart Ibrahim Boughali in Tehran on Monday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said a main subject in their talks was the promotion of bilateral, regional and international relations.

Stressing the need to revitalize the economic commission of the two countries, Qalibaf said Tehran and Algiers should broaden their shipping routes.

Qalibaf also highlighted the significance of serious cooperation at the international level between the two countries and interaction in the human rights field.

“Since Algeria is a non-permanent member of the (UN) Security Council and also a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, this opportunity should be seized for international coordination and cooperation,” he added.

For his part, Boughali said he has visited Iran to consolidate the efforts at regional and international cooperation.

Describing the promotion of economic relations as a prerequisite for closer political ties, the Algerian parliamentarian praised the common stances of Algeria and Iran on many international issues.

In a telephone conversation with his Algerian counterpart in July, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed hope for the enhancement of relations with Algeria on the basis of the two nations’ rich culture and history.

Highlighting the Iranian government’s determination to develop relations with the friendly and aligned Islamic countries, Raisi expressed hope that the relations with Algeria, especially in the commercial and economic fields, would expand day by day, considering the significant mutual capacities.