No More Frozen Iranian Asset Abroad: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The only country in which Iran’s money had been blocked was South Korea, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said, noting that all other foreign assets are at the Central Bank of Iran’s disposal.

“We have already made it clear that the only blocked money was in South Korea. In other places, (the Iranian financial resources) are at the Central Bank’s disposal and we don’t have what may be interpreted as frozen money in other countries. The Central Bank (of Iran) has control of the assets in the other countries,” Raisi said at a press conference on Tuesday.

He also noted while Iran has forged strong relations with Islamic and like-minded countries, its enemies are also knocking on the door after initially trying to ditch the country when riots broke out following the death of a young woman last September.

“The enemy tried to follow two strategies of isolating Iran in the world and disappointing the people inside, which it failed in both. That is because we follow numerous agendas in our foreign policy all at the same time, one of which is the JCPOA,” the president said, referring to the 2015 nuclear deal.

“We've followed relations with the neighboring countries as well as Islamic and aligned states, and improved the level of political, economic and commercial relations where commercial ties have grown 14 percent compared to the previous government,” he said, Press TV reported.

“In the area of regional trade ties and business measures which some believed little can be done, the government broke the record and it turned out that there are many capacities in the country,” Raisi added.

“Relations with Latin America, Africa and many Asian countries and becoming active in the Eurasian Economic Union and membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and recently in BRICS all show that… the enemy did not succeed in its policy to isolate Islamic Iran and our political, commercial and economic situation shows the failure of the enemy in this strategy,” he noted.

Raisi also touched on the enemies’ project to disappoint the Iranian people.

“Not a few months had passed when a nationwide cyber-attack was launched on gas stations," he said.

“Throughout the country, they tried to anger the people by creating problems, but the people carried on vigilantly and with insight and disappointed the enemy.”

When the enemy realized that the people are with the government and the country is progressing, it turned to stoking unrest, the president said.

“It thought that it could follow through with agitation. Even the Westerners left the negotiation table and pinned their hope on riots," he said.

“They thought that they could achieve their goals in riots, but the people let them down, after which, they immediately messaged that they wanted to go back to the negotiating table and start negotiations,” Raisi said.

“Today is the day when Islamic Iran is known as an advanced and technological country,” he said. "All indicators show growth, effort and progress."

Apart from pushing the envelope on the removal of sanctions through reviving the nuclear agreement, the president said, the Islamic Republic is “pursuing other files”, such as Iran's membership in regional and extra-regional alliances, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). 

“Alliances like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS are definitely effective against the US unilateralism,” the president said.

“The connection with the Shanghai infrastructure is important for us. My response to those who say the way out of our problems is the smile of America or some European countries is that we will not wait for their smile,” he stated.

Along with SCO members, Iran can be influential with its high capacities, President Raisi said.

"This influence is a two-way street, so we will take the necessary measures and not wait for them (the West) to make a decision for us," he concluded.