France Orders Apple to Halt iPhone 12 Sales Over Radiation Concerns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – France has instructed Apple to cease selling the iPhone 12 due to concerns regarding excessive electromagnetic radiation emissions.

The French regulatory authority responsible for radio frequencies has also urged Apple to address the issue in existing phones. Apple has been advised that if a software update cannot resolve the problem, they must recall all iPhone 12 devices ever sold in the country, Cnet reported.

However, the World Health Organization has previously reassured the public about radiation emitted by mobile phones, stating on its website that there is no evidence suggesting harm from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields.

Apple, which continues to sell the iPhone 12 globally since its September 2020 release, is contesting the review and has provided lab results to demonstrate compliance with regulations.

France's digital minister, Jean-Noel Barrot, cited radiation levels above acceptable thresholds as the reason for the decision, and if Apple fails to respond within two weeks, a recall may be ordered.

France plans to share its findings with other regulators within the EU, potentially leading to broader actions.

The regulatory authority assesses Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for phone use in close contact with a person's body (limb check) and slightly further away (trunk check), with different SAR limits for each.

The iPhone 12 exceeded the limit for the limb check but stayed below the threshold for the trunk check.

The news coincided with Apple's unveiling of the iPhone 15, featuring an alternative charging port, while China denied reports of blocking the use of Apple products by government agencies.