Iran's Quds Force Commander Supervises Joint Drill During 'Important' Syria Visit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ Quds Force, Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, has conducted a significant visit to Syria, overseeing a joint Iran-Syria military exercise aimed at assisting Syria in addressing military and security challenges.

In the Syrian capital, Damascus, General Qaani engaged in discussions with senior officials and military commanders.

During the visit, he emphasized the strong ties between Syria and Iran, stating, "Syria and Iran are brother states and they enjoy significant, all-out and deep strategic relations. The Islamic Republic of Iran will be by the side of the Syrian people and leadership in dealing with challenges."

He also pointed to the United States as the primary source of chaos, terrorism, and conflict in Syria, the region, and the world.

Iran and Syria have maintained friendly relations since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, with Iran offering support to Syria when foreign-backed militancy erupted in 2011. Syria, with the assistance of Iranian military advisors and Russian airpower, has successfully reclaimed most of the territory previously held by foreign-backed militants and terrorist groups, including Daesh (ISIS or ISIL).

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi visited Syria in May, reaffirming Iran's commitment to supporting Syria in its post-war reconstruction and development, similar to the support provided during the fight against terrorism. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad expressed appreciation for Iran's steadfast support throughout the country's conflict and called for an increased role for Iran in achieving sustainable peace and the reconstruction of Syria's war-torn areas.