All Parts Distribution Centers for GM, Stellantis Join US Auto Workers’ Strike

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The strike by the United Automobile Workers (UAW) labor union took a dramatic turn on Friday as workers at a handful of car factories were suddenly joined by the workers at more than three dozen parts distribution facilities spread across 20 US states.

“At noon Eastern today, all parts distribution centers at General Motors and Stellantis will be on strike,” UAW President Shawn Fain said on Friday.

“We will close parts distribution until those two companies come to their senses and come to the table with a serious offer," he said.

Fain explained that no facilities owned by Ford, the third company whose factory workers were on strike, were joining the strike at this time because the company had yielded significantly in its talks with the labor union, Sputnik reported.

“We do want to recognize that Ford is serious about reaching a deal,” he said.

“Stellantis and GM in particular are going to need some serious pushing.”

When contract talks collapsed and the auto workers went on strike a week ago, just three facilities were closed by the walkout: a GM facility in Wentzville, Missouri; a Stellantis facility in Toledo, Ohio; and a Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan. It involved about 12,700 of the UAW’s 145,000 members.

Now, the strike has spread to 38 more facilities across 20 states and their ranks have swelled to over 18,300 striking laborers.

The union is demanding the rescinding of many concessions made to the automakers during the 2007-2008 financial crash, when they received bailouts from the federal government. They are seeking a 36% wage increase over four years and the elimination of a tiered wage system, along with more paid time off and other benefits.