BRICS An ‘Ideal Alliance’ to Sideline Dollar in Int'l Arena: Venezuelan FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Venezuelan foreign minister foresees that BRICS expansion will unite major energy producers and consumers, offering a pathway toward reducing the dependence on the US dollar in global trade.

In a recent interview with RIA Novosti, Yvan Gil Pinto underscored the inclusion of Saudi Arabia and Iran in this group of emerging economic powers. Additionally, Venezuela aspires to join BRICS in the future. This expansion would encompass over 80% of the world’s crude reserves and production.

“With China and India included, BRICS will also be the biggest energy consumer. In other words, it will become an ideal alliance, ideal complementary,” he explained.

Starting next year, Saudi Arabia and Iran will officially become full members of BRICS, following the approval of their candidacies, along with four others, during last month’s leaders’ summit in South Africa.

The group aims to shift the global landscape away from institutions predominantly controlled by Western powers, which member states argue are subject to misuse by the United States and its allies, RT reported. 

Pinto expressed his optimism about Venezuela's potential swift inclusion, given the support it has garnered. He emphasized that BRICS’ increasing influence in the oil trade could “cement de-dollarization of trade in energy and industrial goods, such as the technology produced in China and India.”