Iran Urges Full Implementation of Security Deal with Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council called for the perfect implementation of a security agreement with Iraq which entails the disarmament and expulsion of terrorist groups from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

In a meeting with Iraqi National Security Adviser Qasim al-Araji, held in Tehran on Sunday, Ali Akbar Ahmadian stressed the need for the full and accurate implementation of the security agreement the two neighbors have signed in March.

“This agreement guarantees the security of the common border and is a rational and appropriate road map to the elimination of the factors that create insecurity in the two countries and the region,” the top Iranian security official stated.

Ahmadian also noted that there exists ample opportunities for closer cooperation between the two neighbors in various fields, particularly the economic relations.

For his part, Araji reaffirmed Iraq’s determination to carry out the security deal with Iran.

He also noted that Baghdad would take every opportunity to strengthen relations with Tehran.

The security agreement, signed in March, commits Iran and Iraq to safeguarding the principles of good neighborliness and protecting the common border.

One of the main purposes of the deal was to end the illegal presence of anti-Iranian armed groups and the elements affiliated with the Zionist regime in the Iraqi areas adjacent to Iran’s northwestern border regions.