Israel Launches Artillery Strikes in Lebanon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israel's military launched artillery strikes on Lebanese territory, claiming to be in retaliation to mortar attacks from across the border.

The shelling occurred on Sunday morning, following a large-scale assault by Hamas and other Palestinian groups on Israeli-occupied cities and army bases from the Gaza Strip the previous day.

The Israeli military issued a statement through the Times of Israel, stating it "has been taking preparational measures for this type of possibility and will continue to operate in all regions and at any time necessary."

Reports indicated that the shells fired from Lebanese territory had struck an Israeli military site in the contested Shebaa Farms.

The Israeli military stated, "Artillery is currently striking the area in Lebanon from where a shooting was carried out."

According to Al Arabiya, the Israeli shelling targeted an area near the village of Kafar Shuba in southern Lebanon, with no reported casualties resulting from the strikes.

Subsequently, the Lebanese movement Hezbollah took responsibility for the attack on Shebaa Farms, a claim corroborated by Hebrew sources. Hezbollah stated that it targeted three Israeli military posts, including a "radar site," and asserted that it acted "in solidarity" with the Palestinian people.

The Shebaa Farms area, occupied by the Israeli regime since 1967, remains a disputed territory claimed by Lebanon as part of its own territory.