Iranian, Syrian Oil Ministers Emphasize Bilateral Energy Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji and his Syrian counterpart Firas Hassan Kaddour underscored the importance of enhancing bilateral cooperation in the energy sector.

The two ministers met on the sidelines of the 6th Russian Energy Week International Forum in Moscow, where they discussed global energy market trends and regional developments.

"We welcome the expansion of Tehran-Damascus relations as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and President (Ebrahim) Raisi’s administration have put great emphasis on boosting ties with Syria," the Iranian oil minister stated. He further emphasized that they have diligently pursued the agreements made during Raisi's recent visit to Syria.

Referring to recent regional events, Owji mentioned the "Al-Aqsa Storm" operation, which he described as unexpected and a blow to the Zionist regime. "The Zionist regime's nature and condition were exposed by the Al-Aqsa Storm operation to the Islamic world more than before. Iranian people support Palestinians, defend their rights, and are saddened by brutal attacks on Gaza. Palestinian people's suffering must be alleviated through international efforts," he stated.

The Syrian minister, for his part, stressed the significance of expanding relations with Iran across various sectors, particularly in oil and energy. He also called for supporting the oppressed Palestinian people, especially in the current circumstances.

The meeting was also attended by the Iranian and Syrian ambassadors to Moscow.

Owji's visit to Moscow was at the invitation of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak to participate in the 6th Russian Energy Week International Forum. He joined the forum's opening ceremony, addressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and held talks with Novak regarding deepening bilateral ties.

Furthermore, the Iranian oil minister and the CEO of Russian energy giant Gazprom, Alexei Miller, discussed cooperation and the creation of a gas hub on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf.

The Iranian oil minister is also scheduled to deliver a speech at a specialized meeting titled "Global Oil and Gas Market: Surveying a Turbulent Period."