Iran, Russia Discuss Transport, Transit Cooperation, INSTC

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Transportation officials from Iran and Russia discussed the latest situation of the transport and infrastructural cooperation between the two countries.

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development for Transportation Affairs Shahriar Afandizadeh and Russia’s deputy transport minister exchanged views on the latest situation of transport, transit and infrastructural cooperation between the two countries through videoconference on Monday.

The two sides placed special emphasis on broadening the level of bilateral cooperation in transport and transit fields.

They also talked about the physical progress of the Rasht-Astara rail project, which has been financed by the Russian side.

Afandizadeh emphasized the importance of the Rasht-Astara rail project for the development of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and called on the Russian side to take measures for the finalization of the design phase and conclusion of the trade contract by the end of 2023.

The two sides also agreed to hold the 14th Comprehensive Iran-Russia Transport Cooperation Forum within the next two months.