UNSC Unable to Support Peace Due to US’ Position on Russian, Brazilian Drafts: Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United States’ negative position on Russia’s and Brazil’s resolutions has made it impossible for the United Nations Security Council to support international peace and security, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said on Tuesday.

"Due to Washington’s negative position on the Russian draft resolution and later on the Brazilian draft, the Security Council once again failed to realize its main charter missions - support international peace and stability," he said during UN Security Council debates on the situation in the Middle East, TASS reported.

"The result (of such US position) is obvious - continuing escalation accompanied by the growth of casualties among civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure," he added.

On October 18, the UN Security Council failed to pass a Brazil-initiated draft resolution on the situation in the Middle East after the United States vetoed it. The US side said it was dissatisfied with the text because it did not have a word about Israel’s "right to self-defense".

Prior to that, the UN Security Council voted down Russia’s draft resolution, which was not supported by the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Japan. Nebenzya said back then that the Security Council has once again become a hostage to Western countries’ ambitions and had failed to send "a clear sand strong collective signal aimed at deescalating the situation."

Tensions flared up in the Middle East after the Hamas resistance movement from the Gaza Strip launched an operation in the occupied territories on October 7. Hamas said the operation was a response to Israeli authorities’ crimes against the Palestinian people and the steps against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave, killing over 5,700 Palestinians, mostly women and children, so far.