Iranian Jews Condemn Israeli Crimes in Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Members of the Iranian Jewish community in Isfahan in a gathering held on Monday voiced their strong opposition to the actions of the Israeli regime.

In a significant show of unity and solidarity, the Kalimiyan (Jews) Society of Isfahan joined the chorus of voices denouncing the Israeli crimes during a gathering at Kenneset Keter David, close to Palestine Square in Isfahan.

The gathering was organized in response to the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime against the oppressed people of Palestine, demanding an immediate end to the violence and bloodshed.

They emphasized the condemnation of the brutal killing of Palestinian women and children, decrying the loss of innocent lives in the ongoing conflict.

While expressing their grievances, the Jewish community sent a clear message stating, "Do not kill in our name."

During the event, the Secretariat of Monotheistic Religions in Isfahan issued a statement, in which Isfahan's Jewish community highlighted their commitment to genuine Judaism, emphasizing friendship and humanity, as opposed to the inauthenticity and oppression within Zionist ideology.

The Kalimiyan Society in Isfahan also plans to march to the city’s Governorate office in protest of recent Zionist actions.

Soleyman Sadeghpour, the leader of Kalimiyan Society of Isfahan, expressed unity with Muslims in condemning Zionist crimes, calling for justice.

Over the past weeks, the Zionist regime has unleashed a series of brutal air attacks against the Palestinian population in Gaza, killing at least 8,005 people.