Palestinian Fighters Force Israeli Tanks to Retreat from Gaza City Outskirts

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Reports from the ground reveal that Israeli tanks were forced to retreat from the outskirts of Gaza City after encountering resistance from Palestinian fighters.

Al Jazeera correspondents on the scene report that Israeli forces had previously approached the city's edges, prompting concerns of a potential escalation.

Witnesses in the area conveyed that Israeli tanks were positioned on the periphery of Gaza City, with Israeli forces cutting off a crucial road that connects the north and south of the Palestinian territory, further dividing the region.

According to Palestinian sources speaking to Al Jazeera, Israeli tanks had advanced toward Salah al-Din Street, situated approximately 3 kilometers from the Gaza fence. Palestinian fighters engaged with the Israeli forces as they attempted to enter Gaza City.

Hazem Qasem, a Hamas spokesperson in Gaza, confirmed the development, stating, "The Palestinian resistance attacked the Israeli tanks in Salah al-Din Street." He also noted that Israeli tanks had invaded a southeastern area of Gaza after it was previously targeted by air raids.

"The Palestinian resistance is always ready for any Israeli attempts at ground invasions," Qasem added.

In retaliation, the armed wing of Hamas, known as the Qassam Brigades, launched mortar attacks on the Nirim Jewish settlement in Israel, east of the Gaza Strip, and conducted a rocket attack on Ashdod.

Israeli forces had initiated the second phase of their offensive on Gaza, deploying a significant number of tanks from the southeast towards the west. These tanks approached a crucial junction that links various parts of Gaza, which, if seized, would significantly disrupt civilian movement between the north and south.

Israeli authorities issued warnings instructing residents not to travel between these regions. Reports also indicated that tanks were moving from the northern part of Gaza toward Gaza City.

Communication with people in Gaza City has been disrupted, as Israeli forces cut off phone and internet services.

As the situation evolved, the Israeli tanks that had approached the outskirts of Gaza City eventually retreated, according to Salama Maarouf, the head of the Hamas government office in Gaza. He clarified that there was no significant ground advance within residential neighborhoods.

Yousef al-Seifi, who witnessed an Israeli tank attacking a car near Gaza City, described the incident, indicating that the tank was positioned at Netzarim, a settlement north of Gaza City. Despite attempts to warn people, the tank opened fire on those who approached, leading to casualties. Palestinian medical sources reported three fatalities.

Israeli forces intensified air raids and tank shelling in Gaza City, resulting in a tense situation. Reports of Israeli forces blocking evacuation routes and firing on vehicles attempting to leave the city added to the chaos.