Israel Faces Collapse after Al-Aqsa Storm, May not Survive Gaza Quagmire, Says Hezbollah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking official of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement said Israel is on the verge of collapse following Palestinian the Al-Aqsa Storm operation in occupied territories on October 7, adding that it cannot endure its predicament in Gaza.

On the 25th day of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, the head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, delivered his statements during an interview with an Iranian media delegation and a group of Iranian journalists in the Lebanese capital of Beirut.

Safieddine cited reports and accurate field information obtained by Hezbollah since the start of the Palestinian surprise attack and stated, "After the successful Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, the Zionist regime completely fell apart in terms of military and intelligence."

Safieddine, who emphasized that Lebanon's Hezbollah had no prior knowledge of the Palestinian operation and had only learned about it through the media, said the operation was entirely Palestinian and that Hezbollah was delighted that Hamas had gained such a high intelligence capability.

“We have definite news that the United States and some Western countries have sophisticated and extensive intelligence services in Gaza, but all these services were defeated by Hamas,” the head of the Executive Council of Hezbollah said.

”We are proud of our fighter brothers because of such high power in the complex execution of an operation.”

Reaffirming the dire state of the Israeli occupation army following the October 7 attack, the Hezbollah official emphasized that the Zionist regime's security and intelligence apparatus had crumbled amidst the recent developments, leaving its high-ranking military officers in a state of utmost disarray and disagreement.

“Their army is in a state of panic,” Safieddine said. “The Zionist forces who are in the north of Palestine record audio files and send them to Lebanon’s Hezbollah and address Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and say that we do not intend to confront you and if the war starts, we are with you and we do not intend to clash with you in any way.”

Emphasizing that various aspects of field operations, intelligence activities, and organizational efforts in the occupied territories have been under the influence of the United States since the Hamas-led operation, Safieddine stated, "The US is currently actively engaged in the middle of the field of killing foreigners, Palestinian women and children.”

Touching on allegations about the Israeli regime’s military action against Iran, the Hezbollah official said, “First, they had better terminate the ongoing war and see how the situation unfolds after the war, and then talk about Iran. The Zionist regime will not get out of the quagmire in Gaza unscathed.”

Israel waged a genocidal war on the blockaded Gaza Strip on October 7 after Hamas-led Palestinian resistance groups carried out Operation al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity.

Since the start of the aggression, the regime has been committing war crimes in Gaza, killing at least 8,610 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injuring more than 23,000 others.

Israel has imposed a “complete siege” on the territory, cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to the more than two million Palestinians living there.