Operation Al-Aqsa Storm Proved Fake Power of Zionist Regime: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad said that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm proved the hollow and fake power of the Zionist regime in the international arena.

Speaking in a ‘Poetry Night” event held in Baghdad in cooperation with the cultural attaché of Iran’s Embassy in Iraq to support the oppressed Palestinian people, Mohammad Kazem Al-e Sadegh pointed to the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini’s (RA) more to name a day as the International Quds Day and added that the Islamic Republic has always been the staunch supporter of the Palestinian people.

He added that this support will continue until the full liberation of Palestine.

He pointed to the recent brutalities and atrocities of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people and said, “For about 80 years, the world has been witnessing the heinous crimes and felonies of the Zionists in the occupied territories and presently, a genocide is taking place in the occupied lands (…) by the child-killing regime of Israel against the defenseless people of Palestine.”

Conveying the message that the Iranian and Iraqi people and other Muslim nations always support the oppressed Palestinian people has been cited as the main aim behind organizing the ceremony, the envoy underlined.

The “Poetry Night” ceremony was held with the participation of a number of renowned and distinguished Iraqi poets on Wednesday.