Iran Condemns Israeli Airstrike on Gaza's Bureij Camp

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has strongly condemned the deadly Israeli airstrike against Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, stating that the US and its allies have sacrificed international peace and human rights for the sake of Israel’s interest.

“It is glaringly evident that the United States, alongside a limited number of countries, has effectively taken hostage the #UnitedNations and the Security Council, prioritizing the interests of the racist and criminal Israeli regime at the expense of international peace, security, and #HumanRights,” Kanaani wrote in a post published on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday evening.

Gazan authorities say at least 15 people have been killed in a Thursday Israeli air strike on the Bureij camp, located in the center of the Gaza Strip. A spokesperson for Gaza Civil Defense said the strike hit a residential building, and residents reported scores of people trapped beneath the rubble.

The air strike came as the regime continues relentless attacks that have so far claimed the lives of more than 9,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in the Gaza Strip.

Kanaani stressed that supporters of Israel are complicit in its "war crimes" in Gaza. “The culpability of the authorities within these governments is as substantial as that of the Zionist regime in the perpetration of these egregious war crimes in Gaza, necessitating their accountability.”

The top Iranian diplomat highlighted that the Israeli strike on Bureij refugee camp, marking the third bombing of a camp in as many days, “vividly showcases the depth of the atrocities and loss of life.”

“The overwhelming majority of countries, governments, and global nations are calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and an end to the wanton and destructive assaults perpetrated by the Zionist regime against the defenseless Gazans.

“Notably, this plea is echoed universally, save for the American government and a select few European governments, persistently engaging in interventions under the false pretext of championing human rights,” Kanaani said.

Bureij refugee camp situated in central Gaza is home to about 46,000 Palestinian refugees, who are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Notably, the US House of Representatives has approved a plan to allocate $14.3 billion in aid to Israel. Despite opposition from Senate Democrats who deemed it unlikely to pass, and the White House's promise to veto the plan, the House passed it with 226 votes in favor and 196 against. It's worth noting that this plan is the first major legislation to be introduced under the leadership of the new Republican Speaker, Mike Johnson.

President Joe Biden has requested that Congress approve a broader $106 billion emergency package, which includes funding for Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. However, Republican lawmakers were determined to separate the issue of aid to Israel from the broader package.

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate's majority leader, has stated that he will not bring the bill up for a vote in the Senate.

The $14.3 billion in funds earmarked for Israel includes substantial allocations for its military, with $4 billion designated for the procurement of Israel's Iron Dome and David's Sling defense systems, aimed at countering Palestinian retaliatory rocket attacks.

The ongoing conflict in which the Israeli regime has been engaged against the besieged Gaza Strip since October 7 has resulted in a tragic loss of Palestinian lives, with nearly 9,061 individuals killed, including 3,700 children and more than 2,300 women. This war was initiated after Gaza's resistance groups launched al-Aqsa Storm operation, marking their most significant operation against the occupying entity in years.