Iranians Express Support for Gaza on National Day against Global Arrogance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranians held nationwide demonstrations on Saturday to observe the National Day against Global Arrogance, highlighting their strong support for Gaza and the Palestinian people in the rallies.

The gatherings, predominantly consisting of school and university students, aimed to vehemently oppose the perceived arrogance of their adversaries, particularly the United States.

Iranian nationals turned out for this year's 13th of Aban demonstrations to express wholehearted support fot the Palestinian people and resistance movements, as well as to condemn the widespread crimes against Gaza carried out by the Zionist regime of Israel.

The Iranian people unequivocally condemned the Israeli regime's brutal actions, including the massacre of innocent children, women, and non-combatants, the bombing of residential areas, and attacks on hospitals and medical personnel.

In over 1,200 cities across Iran, people expressed their empathy and unwavering support for the resilient and oppressed people of Gaza and Palestinian resistance groups. As a symbol of protest against the violent acts in Gaza, students in Tehran set fire to the flags of Israel and the United States during the 13th of Aban rally.

The mass rallies commenced in the capital, Tehran, at 9:00 a.m. local time (0530 GMT), and extended to the whole country. Demonstrators in Tehran, as a tradition, gathered outside the former US embassy, vocally expressing their opposition with slogans like "Down with the US" and "Down with Israel," referring to the US as the embodiment of "Global Arrogance."

Along the demonstration routes, numerous stalls and pavilions were erected to portray the crimes and atrocities committed by the West, primarily the United States, against the Islamic Republic and other nations worldwide.

Forty-four years ago, on November 4, Iranian students took control of the American embassy in Tehran, known in Iran as the "Den of Espionage," less than a year after the Islamic Revolution ended the US-backed Pahlavi dictatorship in 1979. This event led to the establishment of the National Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance, coinciding with National Student Day.

The students who seized the embassy later unveiled documents demonstrating the compound's involvement in plans and actions aimed at undermining the Islamic Republic. The 13th of Aban has since become a symbol of resistance against Western imperialism, signifying the vigilance of Iranian students in the face of perceived US threats.

From a global perspective, the 13th of Aban serves as a day where Iranians displayed their resilience in relying on faith and withstanding any form of hegemonic power to achieve victory. This mindset has become an inspiration for freedom-seekers worldwide.