Iran, India Start Import, Export of Agricultural-Horticultural Products: IRISL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) –Importing and exporting horticultural-refrigerated products began between Iran and India, the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) said, announcing the launch of a direct shipping service aimed at activating Makran coastal areas and operationalizing Chabahar Port.

Chabahar Port joined the import and export transport network of horticultural and agricultural products again following the launch of direct shipping services by the Group of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines between Chabahar and India.

A 56-TEU refrigerated container, containing apple products and export dates, left Shahid Rajaei Port in Chabahar for India using an equipped vessel belonging to the IRISL.

Presently, the IRISL Group has expanded its direct container shipping services between ports in China, India, the United Arab Emirates and Chabahar Port with competitive prices and this has led to an increase in the volume of containerized operation in the port as a gateway to the east.

With the effective measures taken by the IRISL to activate Chabahar Port and increase containerized transport traffic at this port, the Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar has turned into the third active container port in the country after Shahid Rajaei and Imam Khomeini ports.

The export of refrigerated and horticultural products has been reactivated after a three-year hiatus in a joint cooperation between the Ports and Maritime Department General of Sistan and Balouchestan province and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines.