Thousands Rally across Western Balkans Demanding 'Freedom for Palestine'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of people took to the streets on Sunday in Western Balkan capitals to express solidarity with Palestine amid the ongoing Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

In the main squares of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, demonstrators waved Palestinian flags while chanting slogans like "Free Palestine," Anadolu reported.

In Belgrade's Republic Square, thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered, carrying banners that read "End the genocide in Palestine" and "Freedom for Palestine."

In Montenegro's capital Podgorica, protesters convened in front of the government building, holding a peace march with a Palestinian flag and banners reading "You don't have to be a Muslim to stand with Palestine, just be a human!"

In Sarajevo's historic Bascarsija Square, Bosnians gathered, displaying banners saying "Yesterday Srebrenica, today Gaza," and chanting "Stop the genocide" and "Freedom for Palestine."

Organizer Safija Tadefi emphasized Bosnia and Herzegovina's support for Gaza, stating, "What is happening there is not a war; it is literally a genocide."

Demonstrator Munevera Cehajic, drawing from Bosnia's war experience, expressed deep concern for the Palestinian people, condemning the Israeli actions. She said, "Enough is enough."

The ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza, including on hospitals and residences, have led to over 11,100 deaths, including more than 8,000 women and children, according to the government media office in Gaza.