Anti-Iran Resolution, Disregard for Israeli Crimes A Disgrace to West: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry bemoaned the shameful fact that a number of Western governments have passed a human rights-related resolution against Iran while shutting their eyes to Israel’s heinous atrocities in Gaza.

In a statement on Thursday, Nasser Kanaani slammed certain Western countries for introducing and adopting an anti-Iranian human rights resolution in the United Nations General Assembly’s Third Committee as a “political move”.

He said the resolution was worthless and unacceptable amid Western countries’ indifference to the Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza which is “a dishonor for them and shows their open hypocrisy and sheer lies in defense of human rights.”

“How can the United States and some Western countries not see the massacre of children and women by the usurping Israeli regime in Gaza and instead issue a resolution against Iran by repeating unfounded accusations based on false information and dishonest generalizations?” he asked.

The spokesperson shed light on the efforts by the United States, Canada and some other Western countries in their all-out support for the Zionist regime to commit savage atrocities, war crimes and genocide against the innocent and defenseless Palestinian people.

“These countries, that have a long record of organized breaching of human rights and many nations in the world have bitter and painful experiences of their interference and crimes, are not in a position to give human rights recommendations to the Iranian government and people,” Kanaani stated.

The spokesperson also censured the provisions of the resolution as “one-sided” and “unrealistic”, saying the move by its initiators was meant to abuse the concepts and high values of human rights in order to push forward their short-sighted political goals. He said the resolution lacks any legitimacy or validity, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is an establishment based on religious democracy and has always been serious about promoting human rights and fulfilling its international commitments,” Kanaani added.

“The Islamic Republic, based on it high principles, is ready to engage in constructive dialogues and cooperation with all legitimate international mechanisms and countries interested in bolstering and truly backing human rights within the framework of mutual respect, equality of countries, as well as justice and fairness away from political motives,” he noted.

Kanaani went on to say that Iran seeks to advocate human rights in the real sense of the word and to elevate its position all over the world.