International Outcry Mounts against Israeli Bombing of Gaza’s UN Schools

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Oman, Jordan, and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) strongly condemned Israel's airstrikes on UN schools sheltering civilians in the Gaza Strip, denouncing these actions as flagrant violations of international law.

In a statement released on Saturday, Oman expressed condolences to the families of those killed and wished a swift recovery for the wounded.

The Omani Foreign Ministry lauded the resilience of Palestinians facing Israeli injustices and occupation, labeling these actions as blatant violations of international law and UN Security Council resolutions. Oman urged the international community to impose sanctions on Israel to deter its aggression and crimes against civilians.

Highlighting Israel's blockade on Gaza and the deprivation of basic necessities, Oman's statement underscored the disregard for human dignity and the breach of international principles, including the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Jordan also condemned Israeli strikes on UN-operated schools in Gaza, emphasizing these actions' clear breaches of international law. The Jordanian Foreign Ministry's spokesperson stressed the imperative for intensified efforts to halt Israel's repeated violations of humanitarian law and its attacks on civilian infrastructure.

Additionally, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry criticized the bombing of the al-Fakhoora school as a severe violation against Gaza's civilians, characterizing it as a war crime warranting investigation and accountability.

Meanwhile, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) strongly denounced Israel's bombardment of two schools in Gaza housing civilians. The organization termed these acts as heinous crimes and emphasized Israel's disregard for international laws and moral values.

Renewing calls for international intervention, ISESCO urged global organizations to take a firm stance against Israel's actions and demanded accountability for its crimes in Gaza.

“While sharing the pain and anger of millions of people around the world, ISESCO affirms that the continuation of this brutal behavior, which makes no distinction whatsoever between schools, medical institutions and military facilities, demonstrates the Israeli occupation’s persistence in violating all international laws,” the organization added.

The condemnations followed Israeli airstrikes on al-Fakhoora and Tel al-Zaatar schools, resulting in the deaths of more than 200 Palestinians and injuries among displaced individuals in the northern Gaza Strip. The attacks sparked international outcry and renewed calls for immediate action to halt the violence and protect civilians in the conflict zone.